What is the one resource you have plenty of today?
Perhaps even too much? Information!
We all have. Are you also overloaded?
Have you bought top selling books like "The Secret, The Secrets of a Millionaire Mind, Evolve Your Mind or In Pursuit of Happiness but not read them yet? Do you have too many reading piles and not enough time to get through them? Do you sometimes just give them a miss? Could you be missing something important? How would you know?
Did you know that most people spend 2-4 hours per day reading for work? E-mail, reports, web searching, trade magazines, books, manuals, etc. What if you could re-gain one hour or more a day?
What if you could cut your information input or reading to a fraction of the time you now spend? How much is that worth to you? Imagine if you could read at least three times faster, save time and money, remember more and get more done.
What if you could also improve your memory? You can. Here’s how. Do our Quantum Reading MasterClass. In just 3 days you will not only read faster, but your will recall what you read longer.
It will also enrich your life in many other ways.
How many of these information overload complaints do you have?
Take This Quick QuizDo you have too much to read but not enough time to do it?Are your inboxes constantly overflowing?Would you like to get more work done in less time?Do you put off reading for business or pleasure because you feel it will take forever to get through it all?Do you ever have trouble concentrating on the subject matter?Do you ever keep reading things over and over again trying to understand it?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you’re like most people. Standardised tests show traditional reading speeds average 300 words per minute and an average comprehension of 61%. That leaves as much as 39% a complete ‘blank’ !
And like most of us you probably learnt to read at school in the traditional way over a 2 – 4 year period (800 days). Did you know the way we read now has not changed in over 200 years?
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Alvin Toffler
Thankfully, there is a solution. You have learnt. Isn’t it time now to unlearn and relearn how to read efficiently and easily? And isn’t it nice to know it only takes 3 days!
The Amazing Truth - How I Jumped My Income 147%in 3 Weeks by Simply Reading Faster.
This is my story of how this became true for me. A few years ago I was consulting to a public service organisation in Sydney. After I learnt the secret of reading at 25,000 words a minute, I went on to read 30 books over 3 weeks. The result? To my surprise my income jumped to 147% over a 3-week period.
During this time I did the same job, worked the same hours for the same company. What made this remarkable difference? An idea that just popped into my mind one morning while showering. Then I phoned my accountant and he said yes and I made a very simple change in my invoicing procedures. Bingo!
This is Your Life. Change It.
My life, career and family have changed dramatically in many ways after learning this easy method. And a nice bonus was that my IQ jumped 9 points over a 3 month period as measured on the Channel 9 website IQ test.
Amazed at my results, I did the research, read almost a thousand books, attended hundreds of hours workshops, listened to many, many CD’s and found several systems that gave me similar results. I then read and created this new Quantum Reading MasterClass. And it all started from reading 30 books on wealth, prosperity, savings and money management in 3 weeks! Last week I did a fun IQ test again and my IQ has jumped another 4 points! Isn’t it nice to know you can improve some things with age!
What could you do if you knew this proven method now?
Triple Your Reading Efficiency Now in 3 Days!
Our convenient 3 day Quantum Reading MasterClass is designed for you. Learn to how find an easy and efficient solutions to your reading problems now.
Special Limited Offer
This Month
Read Faster. Earn More.
In your MasterClass you will use more of your brain to:
Move from reading at a plodding 300 words per minute to a speed of 25,000 words per minute creating enough time to do all your reading and other things you love
Read a 200 - 300 page book in 15 - 60 minutes and get more done in less time
Read and understand 12 books in a day. No more taking forever to do your reading!
Build new neural pathways in your brain so that your never read things over and over again
Evolve your life to a whole new level of functioning
Oprah said, “I would never have known there was another world outside the one I was living in if it were not for the books I read”. They showed her a world she could not even dream about. I have read that some top selling authors like Jack Canfield and T Harve Ecker are now teaching their children to read three times faster too!
Efficient Readers Earn More. Did you know that, according to research, people who read a lot earn two and a half times as much as those who do not? That means a salary package of $100,000 instead of $35,000! You will simply use your expanded subconscious mind that outweighs your conscious mind by ten billion to one.
And if you want to read your favourite fiction author more leisurely you can. You will have a smorgasbord of efficient reading techniques to give you greater choice.
Say Goodbye to Information Overload Forever.
"I Have Always Struggled with the Number of Emails…"
"I loved this MasterClass. It was a real breakthrough for me! I have always struggled with the number of emails and the amount of information I have to get through every day. I discovered the inconvenient truth about my reading habits - Everyone needs to know this secret method but very few people do until now. Ioho carefully and thoughtfully laid out each step of the way.
If you have ever considered reading three times faster this workshop will quickly and easily be take your hand and lead to success. What I loved the most is that you have truly created a blueprint that is newbie friendly so that anyone who has been putting off trying cope with their information overload can now use your simple methods Brilliant and fun!"
Andre Blom, Managing Director, Sydney NSW
Our Proven Program Will Improve YourReading & Comprehension Quickly and Easily!
Our MasterClass will teach you to…
Comprehend better
Read from three to up to twenty times faster
Move through your reading material effortlessly
Destroy your limiting belief and sabotage tactics
Maximise your earnings potential
Gain greater clarity, focus and confidence
Eliminate mind wandering
Master technical and study materials
Build better recall
Improve your memory
Get more done
Save time
Use your higher minds
Cash in on your intuition
And much more…Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Impossible even? Imagine if this were true for you? What can you do in the next 24 hours to make more of this dream real for you?
Call now to enrol (612) 9944 8887
Evolve Your Mind.
You are much smarter than you think. Learn to use more of your brilliant brain to read and understand anything at least three times faster than you can now. Did you know you have a million, million brain cells, 167 times the number of people on the planet? Each brain cell is more powerful than a personal computer! Do you know how to change your synaptic wiring, learn more and record more by reading more - so that you naturally do a better job of your life? This MasterClass will show you how to achieve a coherent brain-wave pattern – also called the superlearning state.
What some graduates have said…With some nervousness, I began... Read a book in a day? Sometimes it took me months to read a book! In December of 20(612), I had been on depression tablets for six months. By the end of January 2003, I had Quantum Read 50 different books on self healing and bolstering self esteem. I binned those yucky tablets for good!
Ioho's simple, fun and profound Quantum Reading workshop took me to a whole new world. I released many reading blocks I acquired, thanks to uninspiring schooling. Gone were my fears of being judged stupid. I Quantum Read books of interest, developing and improving my skills. I researched books for my writing. I have since had articles and my very first book published. Read many books in a day? BRING IT ON!
Titania ElysiaAuthor, Sydney NSW
What Else Are You Doing that William Bligh (1806) and the Rum Rebellion (1808) Did?
Did you know William Bligh read the same way in 1806 as you were taught in your school? Yet you don’t drive the same model car, do you? Step you reading out of the 1800’s and start reading at today’s quantum speed immediately.
Call now for details: 0064-4-2324340
“I Read 4 Books in the Morning
and 8 Books in the Evening”
As you go through this Quantum Reading Course and see the techniques used, it stretches your imagination and you think “Is this going to work?”
When the course is completed, it finally all falls into place, you know you will always want to read this way. It’s the only way to keep up and obtain all the knowledge you need fast. You can learn all you want to learn, quickly, easily and effortlessly.
Yesterday a friend was over and asked about the pile of books on my sofa. I told him those were the books I read yesterday. He then challenged me and said “no way.” I told him I read 4 books in the morning and eight books in the evening, for my final Quantum Reading class. He couldn’t believe anyone could read 12 books in a day and remember anything. He grabbed a book at random and fired off a few questions.
I was just magically able to answer him, as though the information had always been in my head.
Rosemary Ippolito
Weeki Wachee, Florida
Do Less.
Did you know you can do less and achieve more? When you use these accelerated learning and stress management techniques you will accomplish in 30 minutes what normally may take 21 days or more. Learn how to do less and sleep more when you use the Dream Reading technique in this MasterClass.
Breakthrough Method Uses Your Whole Brain
Even While You Are Sleeping
You will strengthen and tone your brain the natural way. And best of all, once you know the secret, your entire body will send signals that will improve every area of your life automatically 24/7.
Imagine if you can improve your productivity during your sleeping time?
When you know how to read at 25,000 words per minute you will assimilate information at many, many times faster than your current reading speed with over 70% comprehension. You will create new neural pathways in your brain and evolve your mind. You will take in information as a small child does. And create a better, happier, healthier life.
The Anti Aging Factor.
Isn’t it nice to know an added bonus is that as your memory improves, it has an anti-aging effect! Use it or lose it says current brain research.
Have you heard that your brain has often been called the three-pound universe? It's your most powerful and mysterious organ, the seat of the self, with as many billions of neurons as the galaxy has stars. No wonder just the thought of an aging, failing brain - and the prospect of memory loss, confusion, and the limiting of yourself - is so terrifying. Yet the degeneration of the brain is not necessarily so! "There's no reason to expect it to deteriorate with age, even though many of us are living longer lives." Antonio Damasio, M.D., Ph.D., head of the Department of Neurology at the University of Iowa and author of “Descartes' Error”, agreed. "Older people can continue to have extremely rich and healthy mental lives." This MasterClass will ensure you start using much, much more of your galaxy of neurons. And have more fun doing that too!
Enrich Your Life.
Did you know you can also read for play, purpose, profit, and inner peace?
Deepak Chopra the poet prophet of alternative medicine, Dr. Valerie Hunt, brilliant researcher who measured human bio energy fields, Ingo Swann, father of Remote Viewing and others have all documented that we have energy vibrations that range from 4 Hz to thousands of Hz. When we move our vibrations to over much higher levels, then we move in universal consciousness, enrichment on many, many levels and inner peace.
The question is how can we do this without meditating on a mountaintop for 12 years?
The trick is read very, very fast. When you read at quantum speeds of 25,000 words per minute you can read a book in less than 60 minutes. When you do this, you instantly move into an alpha or theta level of consciousness while you are reading. “These … frequency bands might be considered the Body, Mind and Spirit of humanity,” says Valerie Hunt. Read and enrich your life in many other ways too.
Quantum Reading.
Read and switch on your prosperity vibration. Use more of your brain. Breakthrough methods used in the Quantum Reading MasterClass uses proven methods of accelerated learning, neuroscience and neuro linguistic patterning. As we Quantum Read we naturally and simply build greater neural pathways in our whole brain. We connect millions more neurons with each other in our vast knowledge web – just like Einstein did. Then simply listen to that inner voice and your answers will surprise you on the many ways you can increase your income and profits. You will also improve your memory immediately.
Our Graduates have also found you can:
Process massive amounts of information in only 21% of the time
Relax and read 6 books in a day and have the time
to do more of the things you love
Eat chocolate to help you Quantum Reading!
Boost your brain power by 90% to enrich all areas of your life
"Our Belief Systems Inhibit Our Growth"
"I did the Reading MasterClass. At first I was sceptical of the concept. Yet the course soon emphasised that the only limitations we believe we have in life are the ones that are created by our minds. Our deeply seated belief systems inhibit our growth. Ioho's course teaches that if we can get around those two constraints there is nothing that we cannot do - including reading 12 books in a day."
"The course is invaluable and a absolute must for anyone who is time poor, but hungry for knowledge. The combination of fascinating subject matter together with Ioho's dynamic presentation technique and skill, makes this course an absolute must for those who want to accelerated their own personal evolution."
Kevin James
Director Global Carbon Exchange
"Quantum Reading MasterClass at 60% Discount!"
Special Limited Offer when you Enrol Now!
Full tuition fee: $1,250. 00.
So Act NOW
Here’s How The Course WorksThe first day we will show you how to:
Read a book in 15 minutes and Quantum Read on auto-pilot
Break though your current reading speed with our proven Quantum method
Learn the 6 Steps to Read at 25,000 Words Per Minute
Unlearn some traditional reading methods. RelearnQuantum Reading
The following days you will:
Read a book in 60 minutes or less and finally breakthrough to reading success
Learn the 5 habits of highly effective readers for quick comprehension and recall
Use neuroscience special strategies for thinking, reading and memory
Know the secrets of reading comprehension that teachers don’t know
Say good-bye to information overload forever – no more piles of reading!
Create and activate your Rich Zone for profit, peace and more…
Cure Those Reading Piles. Find out how to strategically organise text for easy understanding
Sleep. Use your brain so that you can do less and read more
Find out which environmental factors affect your efficient study
Utilise 4 mental factors to enhance your study, retention and recall
Flip your reading funnel to tap into your natural brilliance and read faster
Quick Tips on improving Reading Recall and Optimise your Memory
Read 6 books or more in a day for easy quantum life changes
Web Two Ways to Read 6 Books and Other Material in a Day
How to Mind Map your reading using your three brains
Consolidate your reading riches by using your multiple information channels
Enrol Completely Risk-Free Today
May I completely take away your risk here? If for any reason you are not convinced that this class is not worth every dollar you paid in tuition fees, I'll give you a prompt courteous refund. No questions asked. Or I will personally coach you until you are completely satisfied.
Call now for details: 0064-4-232 4340
In closing, I think you’ll agree that have honestly done my job in helping you get through your reading overload with this new and improved Quantum Reading MasterClass at the lowest affordable tuition fee.
Take this opportunity to know the step-by-step instructions with the additional personalised help consultations to read your written material at least three times faster with at least 70% comprehension, become more efficient, do less, play more and earn more.
With warm wishes
Ioho de Beer B.A., GradDip LibSc.
PS. Don’t read this unless you want to change the way you process information forever. From now on you will use this skill and more of your brain everyday of your life for more wealth, success, confidence and inner peace. You can’t afford not to. Prosper with a fantastic skill and apply it to transform other areas in your life. All graduates do. Remember, this offer is limited to only those who enrol now for a 60% discount. Your investment will pay for itself in 1 or 2 days of work time! Imagine saving thousands of reading hours. Won't that be nice? It is time to give yourself this gift, isn’t it?
PPS. This is a proven system that has worked for over a hundred thousand people. You will have fun with your amazing Quantum Reading skills. Say hello to fast, efficient effective reading to relax, do less and earn more in multiple ways.
What is the one resource you have plenty of today?
Perhaps even too much? Information!
We all have. Are you also overloaded?
Have you bought top selling books like "The Secret, The Secrets of a Millionaire Mind, Evolve Your Mind or In Pursuit of Happiness but not read them yet? Do you have too many reading piles and not enough time to get through them? Do you sometimes just give them a miss? Could you be missing something important? How would you know?
Did you know that most people spend 2-4 hours per day reading for work? E-mail, reports, web searching, trade magazines, books, manuals, etc. What if you could re-gain one hour or more a day?
What if you could cut your information input or reading to a fraction of the time you now spend? How much is that worth to you? Imagine if you could read at least three times faster, save time and money, remember more and get more done.
What if you could also improve your memory? You can. Here’s how. Do our Quantum Reading MasterClass. In just 3 days you will not only read faster, but your will recall what you read longer.
It will also enrich your life in many other ways.
How many of these information overload complaints do you have?
Take This Quick QuizDo you have too much to read but not enough time to do it?Are your inboxes constantly overflowing?Would you like to get more work done in less time?Do you put off reading for business or pleasure because you feel it will take forever to get through it all?Do you ever have trouble concentrating on the subject matter?Do you ever keep reading things over and over again trying to understand it?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you’re like most people. Standardised tests show traditional reading speeds average 300 words per minute and an average comprehension of 61%. That leaves as much as 39% a complete ‘blank’ !
And like most of us you probably learnt to read at school in the traditional way over a 2 – 4 year period (800 days). Did you know the way we read now has not changed in over 200 years?
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Alvin Toffler
Thankfully, there is a solution. You have learnt. Isn’t it time now to unlearn and relearn how to read efficiently and easily? And isn’t it nice to know it only takes 3 days!
The Amazing Truth - How I Jumped My Income 147%in 3 Weeks by Simply Reading Faster.
This is my story of how this became true for me. A few years ago I was consulting to a public service organisation in Sydney. After I learnt the secret of reading at 25,000 words a minute, I went on to read 30 books over 3 weeks. The result? To my surprise my income jumped to 147% over a 3-week period.
During this time I did the same job, worked the same hours for the same company. What made this remarkable difference? An idea that just popped into my mind one morning while showering. Then I phoned my accountant and he said yes and I made a very simple change in my invoicing procedures. Bingo!
This is Your Life. Change It.
My life, career and family have changed dramatically in many ways after learning this easy method. And a nice bonus was that my IQ jumped 9 points over a 3 month period as measured on the Channel 9 website IQ test.
Amazed at my results, I did the research, read almost a thousand books, attended hundreds of hours workshops, listened to many, many CD’s and found several systems that gave me similar results. I then read and created this new Quantum Reading MasterClass. And it all started from reading 30 books on wealth, prosperity, savings and money management in 3 weeks! Last week I did a fun IQ test again and my IQ has jumped another 4 points! Isn’t it nice to know you can improve some things with age!
What could you do if you knew this proven method now?
Triple Your Reading Efficiency Now in 3 Days!
Our convenient 3 day Quantum Reading MasterClass is designed for you. Learn to how find an easy and efficient solutions to your reading problems now.
Special Limited Offer
This Month
Read Faster. Earn More.
In your MasterClass you will use more of your brain to:
Move from reading at a plodding 300 words per minute to a speed of 25,000 words per minute creating enough time to do all your reading and other things you love
Read a 200 - 300 page book in 15 - 60 minutes and get more done in less time
Read and understand 12 books in a day. No more taking forever to do your reading!
Build new neural pathways in your brain so that your never read things over and over again
Evolve your life to a whole new level of functioning
Oprah said, “I would never have known there was another world outside the one I was living in if it were not for the books I read”. They showed her a world she could not even dream about. I have read that some top selling authors like Jack Canfield and T Harve Ecker are now teaching their children to read three times faster too!
Efficient Readers Earn More. Did you know that, according to research, people who read a lot earn two and a half times as much as those who do not? That means a salary package of $100,000 instead of $35,000! You will simply use your expanded subconscious mind that outweighs your conscious mind by ten billion to one.
And if you want to read your favourite fiction author more leisurely you can. You will have a smorgasbord of efficient reading techniques to give you greater choice.
Say Goodbye to Information Overload Forever.
"I Have Always Struggled with the Number of Emails…"
"I loved this MasterClass. It was a real breakthrough for me! I have always struggled with the number of emails and the amount of information I have to get through every day. I discovered the inconvenient truth about my reading habits - Everyone needs to know this secret method but very few people do until now. Ioho carefully and thoughtfully laid out each step of the way.
If you have ever considered reading three times faster this workshop will quickly and easily be take your hand and lead to success. What I loved the most is that you have truly created a blueprint that is newbie friendly so that anyone who has been putting off trying cope with their information overload can now use your simple methods Brilliant and fun!"
Andre Blom, Managing Director, Sydney NSW
Our Proven Program Will Improve YourReading & Comprehension Quickly and Easily!
Our MasterClass will teach you to…
Comprehend better
Read from three to up to twenty times faster
Move through your reading material effortlessly
Destroy your limiting belief and sabotage tactics
Maximise your earnings potential
Gain greater clarity, focus and confidence
Eliminate mind wandering
Master technical and study materials
Build better recall
Improve your memory
Get more done
Save time
Use your higher minds
Cash in on your intuition
And much more…Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Impossible even? Imagine if this were true for you? What can you do in the next 24 hours to make more of this dream real for you?
Call now to enrol (612) 9944 8887
Evolve Your Mind.
You are much smarter than you think. Learn to use more of your brilliant brain to read and understand anything at least three times faster than you can now. Did you know you have a million, million brain cells, 167 times the number of people on the planet? Each brain cell is more powerful than a personal computer! Do you know how to change your synaptic wiring, learn more and record more by reading more - so that you naturally do a better job of your life? This MasterClass will show you how to achieve a coherent brain-wave pattern – also called the superlearning state.
What some graduates have said…With some nervousness, I began... Read a book in a day? Sometimes it took me months to read a book! In December of 20(612), I had been on depression tablets for six months. By the end of January 2003, I had Quantum Read 50 different books on self healing and bolstering self esteem. I binned those yucky tablets for good!
Ioho's simple, fun and profound Quantum Reading workshop took me to a whole new world. I released many reading blocks I acquired, thanks to uninspiring schooling. Gone were my fears of being judged stupid. I Quantum Read books of interest, developing and improving my skills. I researched books for my writing. I have since had articles and my very first book published. Read many books in a day? BRING IT ON!
Titania ElysiaAuthor, Sydney NSW
What Else Are You Doing that William Bligh (1806) and the Rum Rebellion (1808) Did?
Did you know William Bligh read the same way in 1806 as you were taught in your school? Yet you don’t drive the same model car, do you? Step you reading out of the 1800’s and start reading at today’s quantum speed immediately.
Call now for details: 0064-4-2324340
“I Read 4 Books in the Morning
and 8 Books in the Evening”
As you go through this Quantum Reading Course and see the techniques used, it stretches your imagination and you think “Is this going to work?”
When the course is completed, it finally all falls into place, you know you will always want to read this way. It’s the only way to keep up and obtain all the knowledge you need fast. You can learn all you want to learn, quickly, easily and effortlessly.
Yesterday a friend was over and asked about the pile of books on my sofa. I told him those were the books I read yesterday. He then challenged me and said “no way.” I told him I read 4 books in the morning and eight books in the evening, for my final Quantum Reading class. He couldn’t believe anyone could read 12 books in a day and remember anything. He grabbed a book at random and fired off a few questions.
I was just magically able to answer him, as though the information had always been in my head.
Rosemary Ippolito
Weeki Wachee, Florida
Do Less.
Did you know you can do less and achieve more? When you use these accelerated learning and stress management techniques you will accomplish in 30 minutes what normally may take 21 days or more. Learn how to do less and sleep more when you use the Dream Reading technique in this MasterClass.
Breakthrough Method Uses Your Whole Brain
Even While You Are Sleeping
You will strengthen and tone your brain the natural way. And best of all, once you know the secret, your entire body will send signals that will improve every area of your life automatically 24/7.
Imagine if you can improve your productivity during your sleeping time?
When you know how to read at 25,000 words per minute you will assimilate information at many, many times faster than your current reading speed with over 70% comprehension. You will create new neural pathways in your brain and evolve your mind. You will take in information as a small child does. And create a better, happier, healthier life.
The Anti Aging Factor.
Isn’t it nice to know an added bonus is that as your memory improves, it has an anti-aging effect! Use it or lose it says current brain research.
Have you heard that your brain has often been called the three-pound universe? It's your most powerful and mysterious organ, the seat of the self, with as many billions of neurons as the galaxy has stars. No wonder just the thought of an aging, failing brain - and the prospect of memory loss, confusion, and the limiting of yourself - is so terrifying. Yet the degeneration of the brain is not necessarily so! "There's no reason to expect it to deteriorate with age, even though many of us are living longer lives." Antonio Damasio, M.D., Ph.D., head of the Department of Neurology at the University of Iowa and author of “Descartes' Error”, agreed. "Older people can continue to have extremely rich and healthy mental lives." This MasterClass will ensure you start using much, much more of your galaxy of neurons. And have more fun doing that too!
Enrich Your Life.
Did you know you can also read for play, purpose, profit, and inner peace?
Deepak Chopra the poet prophet of alternative medicine, Dr. Valerie Hunt, brilliant researcher who measured human bio energy fields, Ingo Swann, father of Remote Viewing and others have all documented that we have energy vibrations that range from 4 Hz to thousands of Hz. When we move our vibrations to over much higher levels, then we move in universal consciousness, enrichment on many, many levels and inner peace.
The question is how can we do this without meditating on a mountaintop for 12 years?
The trick is read very, very fast. When you read at quantum speeds of 25,000 words per minute you can read a book in less than 60 minutes. When you do this, you instantly move into an alpha or theta level of consciousness while you are reading. “These … frequency bands might be considered the Body, Mind and Spirit of humanity,” says Valerie Hunt. Read and enrich your life in many other ways too.
Quantum Reading.
Read and switch on your prosperity vibration. Use more of your brain. Breakthrough methods used in the Quantum Reading MasterClass uses proven methods of accelerated learning, neuroscience and neuro linguistic patterning. As we Quantum Read we naturally and simply build greater neural pathways in our whole brain. We connect millions more neurons with each other in our vast knowledge web – just like Einstein did. Then simply listen to that inner voice and your answers will surprise you on the many ways you can increase your income and profits. You will also improve your memory immediately.
Our Graduates have also found you can:
Process massive amounts of information in only 21% of the time
Relax and read 6 books in a day and have the time
to do more of the things you love
Eat chocolate to help you Quantum Reading!
Boost your brain power by 90% to enrich all areas of your life
"Our Belief Systems Inhibit Our Growth"
"I did the Reading MasterClass. At first I was sceptical of the concept. Yet the course soon emphasised that the only limitations we believe we have in life are the ones that are created by our minds. Our deeply seated belief systems inhibit our growth. Ioho's course teaches that if we can get around those two constraints there is nothing that we cannot do - including reading 12 books in a day."
"The course is invaluable and a absolute must for anyone who is time poor, but hungry for knowledge. The combination of fascinating subject matter together with Ioho's dynamic presentation technique and skill, makes this course an absolute must for those who want to accelerated their own personal evolution."
Kevin James
Director Global Carbon Exchange
"Quantum Reading MasterClass at 60% Discount!"
Special Limited Offer when you Enrol Now!
Full tuition fee: $1,250. 00.
So Act NOW
Here’s How The Course WorksThe first day we will show you how to:
Read a book in 15 minutes and Quantum Read on auto-pilot
Break though your current reading speed with our proven Quantum method
Learn the 6 Steps to Read at 25,000 Words Per Minute
Unlearn some traditional reading methods. RelearnQuantum Reading
The following days you will:
Read a book in 60 minutes or less and finally breakthrough to reading success
Learn the 5 habits of highly effective readers for quick comprehension and recall
Use neuroscience special strategies for thinking, reading and memory
Know the secrets of reading comprehension that teachers don’t know
Say good-bye to information overload forever – no more piles of reading!
Create and activate your Rich Zone for profit, peace and more…
Cure Those Reading Piles. Find out how to strategically organise text for easy understanding
Sleep. Use your brain so that you can do less and read more
Find out which environmental factors affect your efficient study
Utilise 4 mental factors to enhance your study, retention and recall
Flip your reading funnel to tap into your natural brilliance and read faster
Quick Tips on improving Reading Recall and Optimise your Memory
Read 6 books or more in a day for easy quantum life changes
Web Two Ways to Read 6 Books and Other Material in a Day
How to Mind Map your reading using your three brains
Consolidate your reading riches by using your multiple information channels
Enrol Completely Risk-Free Today
May I completely take away your risk here? If for any reason you are not convinced that this class is not worth every dollar you paid in tuition fees, I'll give you a prompt courteous refund. No questions asked. Or I will personally coach you until you are completely satisfied.
Call now for details: 0064-4-232 4340
In closing, I think you’ll agree that have honestly done my job in helping you get through your reading overload with this new and improved Quantum Reading MasterClass at the lowest affordable tuition fee.
Take this opportunity to know the step-by-step instructions with the additional personalised help consultations to read your written material at least three times faster with at least 70% comprehension, become more efficient, do less, play more and earn more.
With warm wishes
Ioho de Beer B.A., GradDip LibSc.
PS. Don’t read this unless you want to change the way you process information forever. From now on you will use this skill and more of your brain everyday of your life for more wealth, success, confidence and inner peace. You can’t afford not to. Prosper with a fantastic skill and apply it to transform other areas in your life. All graduates do. Remember, this offer is limited to only those who enrol now for a 60% discount. Your investment will pay for itself in 1 or 2 days of work time! Imagine saving thousands of reading hours. Won't that be nice? It is time to give yourself this gift, isn’t it?
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