Thursday, December 27, 2007

What is PhotoReading ?

It is the process of “Mentally Photographing “ the printed page with the other-than-conscious “ mind at rates exceeding a page per second.

It is part of a larger whole mind system which gives readers skills to approach any type of material and pull from it what they need in the time available.

Is PhotoReading like speed reading ?
PhotoReading is different from “regular reading “ and different from “speed Reading.” It is a more a way to “process” and “understand” information than it is to “read” information

Speed reading is more or less hastened reading. Both regular reading and speed reading are predominantly functions of the “ left brain”. This is the analytical and reasoning part of the brain that is associated with the conscious mind. It is limited to handling around seven pieces of information at a time.

PhotoReading, on the other hand, is a function of the “right brain” This is the creative and intuitive part of the brain and is associated with the other-than-conscious mind.

Regular reading inputs information one word at a time which forces a slow, linear process of analyzing the information. Photoreading, on the other hand, inputs pages of information which allows accelerated processing and more complete analysis at a later time.

Do you “know” everything in the book after PhotoReading it ?

Since material that is PhotoRead is processed in the “other-than-conscious” part of the mind, you may not consciously “know” what is in materials after PhotoReading. The information has to be “ activated” into the conscious mind. Through activation the Photoreader builds increasing levels of comprehension :
*You begin gaining awareness
* Move to a sense of familiarity
* And finally achieve the knowledge you desire.

Activated information feels different from recalled information.

It may feel like a hunch or intuition.

Since it feels different, people who do not regularly pay attention to their intuitive or
right brain may find it difficult to recognize information which is activated.

Can anyone learn to Photoread ?

Everyone is born with a natural ability to effortlessly absorb information into the other-than-conscious mind. The best example is how babies learn to speak and to walk. A baby masters the complex grammar of any language without being formally instructed.

When a child begins school, she learns another way of learning: input information one word at a time, analyze it in the conscious mind, rehearse it often, and hope it will be stored. By the time a child reaches adolescence, she loses touch with the natural ability to absorb information.

In the PhotoReading program we help you awaken this lost natural ability. We point you in the right direction, teach you PhotoReading techniques, and let you go at it. Soon you rediscover this ability and begin to use it in your personal and professional life. As you play with the PhotoReading techniques you will regain more and more of your ability to absorb information.

What is the process of PhotoReading ?
The PhotoReading technique involves entering an accelerative learning state. This is a relaxed state of alertness.
Second, establish a clear purpose and affirm your ability to process the information.
Third, PhotoFocus on the first page of the materials. This unique way to focus uses peripheral vision and opens channels to the other-than-conscious.
Fourth, page through the book one page per second while maintaining a steady state. This exposes information directly to the brain’s preconscious processor. Finally, bring closure to the process by affirming that all you have Photoread has made a lasting impression on your inner mind and is available to you.

Can you photoread any type of printed material, or just books ?
Photoreading tends to work best with multiple pages. Rhythmic page turning seems to be important when leaning the process. Other techniques in the system are better suited for single pages.

Does it work on technical materials ?
A resounding “yes”. The advanced PhotoReading skills can be applied to any type of printed materials. If it takes more time to process technical materials with regular reading, it also takes more time with the PhotoReading system. PhotoReading however, allows you to process materials at an accelerated pace.

If it takes you twelve hours with your current reading skills to gain full comprehension from something, you will spend 60-90 minutes using the Photoreading whole mind system to get the same or better comprehension. You will only spend a few minutes PhotoReading. The rest of the time will be spent activating and learning the materials.

“ Reading is mental telepathy “ – Stephen King.

Perhaps this quote from Paul Scheele – the creator of PhotoReading is very apt :

“ Keep in mind that PhotoReading guides information to the memory areas of your brain, where everything from your past is stored. Your new ideas continually become part of the foundation of who you are. As you guide more information into your brain, you provide more connections to create more and more successes in your life…”

This seems good in theory – How do I know it works ?

1) There are at least 4 major companies that market this product :
The Learning Strategies Corporation in USA that perfected program has just celebrated 25 years of business. The program is certified by the Dept of Education in the State of Minnesota.
Prior to Paul Scheele, Richard Welch of Subliminal Dynamics claims he actually discovered Mental Photography.
Paul Hobbs of Quantum Reading in London has adapted Paul Scheele’s method.
The Reading Genius Program of Ed Stratchar is based on the PhotoReading system of Paul Scheele.

2) More than 150,000 people all around the world have attended the seminar and more than 10,000 certified instructors continue to teach the program.

3). Ms Yumiko Tobitani of the Shichida Academy in Japan teaches children to read a book even without opening the pages. !!!

4) Chris Sedcole of Wellington had his managers do the program with the purpose of improving time management – he added the new technique of Direct Learning to the Course !!

( Adapted from Advertising material of the Learning Strategies Corporation. )


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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


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Unknown said...

If you really want to increase your memory power then go for quantum speed reading course from our centre.

Unknown said...

Rajmin Academy greatly provides the best Quantum Speed Reading course in India at very affordable price. your child will able to read the books by keeping eyes closed.

Bhagirath said...

Is there anyone in India who can teach us ?